joi, 20 noiembrie 2008

Tricotaje pentru fetite...

Astazi doresc sa va prezint un fular si un pulover pentru fetite.Ambele sunt tricotate manual.Pe fular am aplicat si cateva floricele crosetate,iar la pulover,atat la terminatia produsului cat si la terminatia manecilor am lucrat tot cu croseta.Va las sa priviti...

5 comentarii:

anseva spunea...

Wonderful scarf and the pullover is fantastically nice. I would also like him for Vanessa.
LG Anja

Anonim spunea...

oh this has become an absolutely nice scarf;) somewhat pleases me very much again of you to see;) and the sweater is a dream;)

lg Marion

Steffi spunea...

Wow...the scarf and the pullover are very beautiful.I love the coloures of the pullover!


Brigitte spunea...

Great Work, it looks wunderful !!!


Zaubermaus spunea...

I like the scarf very much, the colours are very nice. And the pullover is soooooo wonderful! Congratulations!

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