vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008

Pancho si pantaloni trei sferturi pentru fetite

Astazi vreau sa va prezint un set pentru fetite compus din pancho si pantaloni trei sferturi.Pentru acest set am folosit stofa ,iar pentru captuseala serj.La pelerina ca si la pantalon am pus cateva floricele brodate aplicate prin lipire.Tiparele pe care le-am folosit sunt din Burda.Un astfel de set se poate realiza pentru fetitele de la 8 ani -11 ani.


10 comentarii:

Karin spunea...

So wonderfully this has become.

Hugs Karin

anseva spunea...

Wonderfully the combination has become. And your daughter looks fantastically in it.

LG Anja

Anonim spunea...

Hello Irinaindira,
you has sewed a fantastic combination again, your daughter sees with it Very elegantly from

greetings Marion

FrechesFruechtchen spunea...

Wonderfully! I can't get enough of your designs

Best wishes

Zaubermaus spunea...

Both very nice, your daughter and of course the combination.:-)

HannaPurzel spunea...

Absolutely pretty! More of these beautiful things!
Send you greetings!

Frileluna spunea...


Danke einmal für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog.

Ich gebe das Kompliment auch an dich weiter, weil du auch so wunderschöne Sachen zauberst. Diese Neue Kombi sieht ja so schick aus. Besonders das Cape hat es mir angetan.

GLG Frieda

Annalotterchen spunea...

Das ist wieder so super schön geworden und Deine Tochter ist unglaublich hübsch!!!

GLG Andrea

Steffi spunea...

Wow...that´s a very beautiful outfit!You are so creative!

ViRginiE spunea...

Très joli ensemble!

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